Danyal Bokhari

Opus est completum!

We have just completed our unit on Power and Leadership, and now I will reflect on:

  • How what learnt connected with what I already knew.
  • What extended my knowledge?
  • What challenged me?


Throughout the unit, as I was learning about power and leadership, I felt that what I was doing connected to me in some way. For example, I already knew that power and leadership were somewhat dependent on one another, as a good leader can use his power well and a bad leader can use his power badly, so when we began discussing traits of a leader, I had some background knowledge on what to expect from a good or bad leader. When it came to presenting information, I felt that the way that the information was meant to be displayed was familiar to me, as I knew how to create artistic ways of presenting new knowledge. Also, when I started to analyze Osama Bin Laden, I felt that, even though I was analyzing a distorted version of my religion, it still made the unit have a more personal affect on me.


When I began the unit, I thought I had a deep understanding of Power and Leadership. However, I was soon proved wrong as I realized that power can be taken in many ways based on people’s objectives. When I was analyzing the movies Captain Phillips and The Power of One, I discovered that power can be used in other ways rather than wealth or strength, such as knowledge or language. I also figured out that power can be used badly due to past experiences, and that is what I analyzed in my essay, along with people’s objectives. Lastly, I found it as a good way to exercise my writing abilities, and go further toward analytical writing rather than creative writing.


Many things challenged me through the course of the unit. Before I began writing my essay, I had to develop a new way of analyzing sources to help create a viable thesis statement. This involved gathering a broad range of ideas, gathering the similarities between them, and then using them as evidence to help support my thesis statement. Up to writing my essay, I used to believe that more ideas resulted in more quality in the essay. However, after submitting my draft, I realized that too many ideas can make the essay lack focus, and so I needed to find a way to support my thesis statement using less ideas and more focus. I also used to believe that more words resulted in more quality as well, but then I realized that, in order to build focus, I needed to get my ideas through in as little words as possible.

Overall, I found the tasks that we took part in very engaging, and I think that they greatly enhanced my view on power and leadership.

P.S. The title is Latin for “the job is complete”.

Almost done…

My Passion Project is coming toward its final chapter, and I think it’s right on time. May 8th is just around the corner (kind of) and its been fun. I started around a month ago, and have 240 pages now and seventy thousand words. It’s not my plot, but its still a very, very good one. Since we’re so close, I have a small “trailer” that the creators of the game made, that will let you see what the game I am writing is about, and what to expect in The Last of Us. Remember, its for mature audiences, so try to be a little over ten for this one.


If you have a VPN, watch this one:

If you don’t, watch this one by pasting it into your URL bar:


Journal Entry: Insurgent

On my visit to Thailand, I got a book, Insurgent. It is the sequel to Divergent, and is by the author Veronica Roth. I got the book because I adored the first book, Divergent, and I also love thrilling novels. I also care for the characters in the story and want to know what happens to them as they continue on their quest to make their world divided by factions normal again. Here is a website that you can use to find out more about the book.


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