Hello there! My other post was a little….eh. Today, however, I will talk about a nice little unit that I did in my Language Arts class which was about film study. The unit was very nice and it opened many oppurtunities for many young directors to try and learn more about their dream job. We learnt about the relationship between the camera and the positions of the actors, and how one little change in the camera can change the whole feel of the movie scene. Also, we learnt about how music can affect the mood in a scene. If you replace a tom  and jerry cartoon’s upbeat music with a sad tune, it would feel as if tom aand jerry had gone through a disaster and you are watching a tribute directed towards them. To end our film unit, we watched a movie called “The Rabbit Proof Fence” which was an exceptionally great movie, and the movie used many of the different aspects of film making that we had learnt  throughout the whole unit. After we finished off that movie, we analysed it, and dissected every little tune that was in the movie, why it was there, and how it changed that little millisecond that it played during. When we finished off that lengthy series of events, we moved onto creating a creative project which had t do with a specific aspect of the movie, and we needed to give examples for those specific criteria. After that, I was introduced to this website. You probably have already read what happened after that.