When I was walking up to present my passion project proposal, I had many thoughts in my mind. Will these children and adults sitting in the audience like what I tell them? My passion project is to show a video game plot through the use of literature. When I started talking, I tried to keep my voice at a consistent tone and be loud, while also keeping my words interesting. When I started talking about what I would do, people became interested. They knew that video games are long, and that it would take many words to sum it up. And when I told them I had already advanced to forty five thousand words and one hundred and eighty pages, they all became impressed by my determination. They all wondered about how I would do it, but I told them I had everything I needed to turn the plot of the game into literature. I have fun with video games, and especially loved the one I am writing about, The Last of Us. If you want to know more about the game, here is a link that you could paste into your URL bar. However, I recommend you keep yourself spoiler free, because this game’s story is impeccable, and one thing a first timer would adore.
